The size of this undertaking makes it clear this invasion has been planned for some months. The arms buildup in the northwest has been meant to send a clear and deliberate message to the leaders of all the towns in California. The traditions of this nation and state as well as my traditions and those of my constituents have all been flagrantly violated by this crazy and militaristic state.
This urgent transformation of Maripossa and Navarro to a strategic base by this powerful and clearly militaristic nation constitutes an explicit threat to all of the NCR and California at large. This new threat is capable of striking as far south as Dayglow and as far north as Oregon using vertibirds acquired from the pre war world. Each of these men in short is capable of killing three of our soldiers and four of any nations cities. Both of these bases posses upwards of 500 men armed with energy weapons and power armor. This government feels it is its duty to report this new crisis to you in full detail. And having now confirmed and completed our evaluation on a course of action. I directed that our surveillance be stepped up. The purpose of these bases can be non other then to launch a strike on California. Good evening my fellow citizens, this government as promised has maintained the closest surveillance of the Enclave military buildup in the Marriposa and Navarro bases.